Henry's Songbook

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Doomsday In The Afternoon

(Words & music John McCreadie)
  • Chorus:
    What you don't realise or refuse to understand
    That once it was the Travellers who had all the land
    You can move them on from lay-bys
    You can chase them from your toon
    The Travellers will be with us till doomsday
    In the afternoon

    They travelled the country aroond, each season had its place
    Then the walls and ditches came, behind each a hostile face
    Like the natives of the Amerikays piece by piece their land was lost
    The settled folk made their own laws to say what they did was just

    There's been meetings in Milngavie and everyone agrees
    Keep it well away from houses and screen it well with trees
    And in case it should bring doon the price of surrounding property
    Put the Travellers' site anywhere you like - as long as it's no' near me

    The Queen welcomed Belle at the Palace, in her local she can't get a half
    We don't serve dirty tinks in here, we soon see that lot aff
    In her local supermarket she heard two women say
    I don't know what the Queen was thinkin', gi'in' a tink a medal onyway

    The Travellers were at Auschwitz, there was Travellers at Belsen too
    The Nazis treated the Travellers the same way as the Jews
    But history turns a blind eye and remembers what it will
    And for the Travelling People there is no Israel

    As sung by Arthur Johnstone

Susannes Folksong-Notizen

  •  [1978:] [Die Stewarts of Blair] haben es schon weit gebracht in ihrer noch nicht so langen Musikerkarriere. Nicht nur bis ins Weiße Haus, sondern sogar bis [vor] Königin Elisabeth II.; und da dieses so ist, nehmen die Stewarts die Beleidigungen einiger Bürger des schottischen Blairgowrie, ihrem Wohnort, mit einem lachenden Gesicht entgegen. Im letzten Jahr noch spuckte ein Jurymitglied aus Blairgowrie beim Festival in Kinross Sheila ins Gesicht, nachdem diese den Gesangswettbewerb gewonnen hatte. Und dies aus dem Grund, weil das Jurymitglied der Meinung war: Traveller gehören nicht zu den Gewinnern (sinngemäßes Zitat). (Uwe Golz, Folk Michel 6, S. 3)

  •  [1986:] Travellers will aye exist to the end o' time, and you'll never get them to change their ways, and you'll never get rid o' Tinkers. They'll be there till doomsday in the afternoon. (Belle Stewart, quoted in MacColl/Seeger, Doomsday xii)

  •  [1989:] The travelling people are probably the most misunderstood section of the community. This song relates true events in the travellers' history. The title comes from Belle Stewart who, when asked the question "When would the travellers cease to wander?", replied "Doomsday - in the afternoon!" (Notes Arthur Johnstone, 'North By North')

  •  [1990:] John's local Milngavie paper reported meetings to protest [against] council plans for a local campsite for travelling people. John linked this to stories told by traveller Belle Stewart of Blairgowrie about prejudice she had encountered. [...]

    When you think about travellers, remember that there are several different groups travelling the roads of Scotland. There are the Romany descendants of nomadic North Indian metal-working tribes who travelled across Europe to reach Scotland four or five hundred years ago. They claimed to have come from Egypt, so were called Egyptians or Gypsies for short. There were broken clans from the 1745 Rebellion, and families forced from their homes in the glens of Sutherland and elsewhere in the North and West during the 19th century Clearances, and freed serfs from much earlier times. Then there are the travelling Show people, who claim a very different descent. All of these groups occasionally make their home on vacant sites in Glasgow. One part of Shettleston is labelled on the map Little Egypt. In their long visit the travellers have experienced much hostility from the settled peoples, who must themselves at some earlier date have been travellers in order to arrive here. And as the travellers picked over the leavings of the earlier arrivals to find and salvage metal, they also found and preserved songs and stories, so that much of Scotland's heritage of song has been recovered by folklorists from traveller singers like Jeannie Robertson and the Stewarts of Blair. (McVicar, One Singer One Song 136)

Quelle: Scotland

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© Sammlung : Susanne Kalweit (Kiel)
Layout : Henry Kochlin  (Schwerin)

21.12.2000, aktualisiert am 21.05.2003