Henry's Songbook

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Ghost Army Of Korea

  • (Anon)

    Tune: Botany Bay

    Just below the Manchurian border
    Korea's the name of the spot
    We're due to be spending some time here
    In a land that God forgot

    We're the soldiers of the Empire
    Earning our measly pay
    Guarding all those millionaires
    For four lousy shillings a day

    (as sung by Hamish Imlach)

Susannes Folksong-Notizen

  • [1973:] Mr. Edgar Turner of Chadwell Heath, Essex, learnt this song from a workmate who'd served with the 'glorious' Gloucesters in Korea, the Asian war which monopolised the world headlines before Vietnam. If it was actually sung in Korea, it was probably learnt from the Americans, since it bears a close resemblance to American army songs of the Spanish-American War, notably We've Done Our Hitch In Hell [...]. (Dallas, Wars 181, giving eight verses)

  • [1990:] Service during the Korean War was on the whole decidedly unpopular. It is said that the song was officially banned in British units, but that handwritten copies were defiantly fly-posted in NAAFI canteens, including that of the Gloucestershire Regiment. The text seems to be partly based on We've Done Our Hitch In Hell, a song of the Spanish-American War of 1898 [...] the tune based on Botany Bay. (Palmer, Lovely War 197)

  • See also

Quelle: USA

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© Sammlung : Susanne Kalweit (Kiel)
Layout : Henry Kochlin  (Schwerin)

aktualisiert am 08.02.2000