(John Kirkpatrick)Round go the clothes in the washing-machine
Water and bubbles, air filled with steam
I've come here today to get my clothes clean
But my heart is as black as the coal
Just one week ago a girl came in here
The loveliest creature, her beauty shone clear
I was lost in a moment, I loved her so dear
As she emptied her big plastic bag
Blue were her Levi's and brown was her hair
And red was the blush as she noticed my stare
And white was the hanky that flew through the air
As she flung all her stuff in the tub
I boldly stepped up to her and this I did say
Have you got any change, love, for I've got none today
You see, the gas-meter's taken all my ten p's away
And I've only got fifties and fives
She gave me some silver, said she'd plenty to spare
And the touch of her hand was more than I could bear
My reason went from me, blew up in the air
And out through the roof with the steam
D'you fancy a drink, love, there's a pub down the road
It's a bit more exciting than watching your load
And she smiled so sweetly I thought I'd explode
So we both trundled off to the pub
The washing was finished by the time we got in
We both shared one dryer, we got everything in
And to see our clothes mingle it made my head spin
I thought I had found me a bride
I said, My fair maiden, can I see you again
I live just round the corner, it's the one on the bend
And I'm always here Thursdays round about ten
And I helped her to fold up her sheets
Oh no, she replied, I'm afraid that can't be
I'm going back to the college, there's a lad there for me
I'll see him tomorrow, and happy we'll be
Thanks for the drink, cheerio
Never again will I see one so fair
Ten minutes or longer I only was there (?)
On the floor a white hanky to show she'd been there
My love had all tumbled dry
(as sung by Cilla Fisher & Artie Trezise)