Other relevant songs: Cancel Marie's Wedding (satire), Fighter (by Brian McNeill, about Hugh Roberton)
[Das habe ich vor kurzem aus dem Netz gefischt. Wenn ich wieder nach Glasgow komme, werde ich mit Sicherheit das Archiv des Daily Record unsicher machen! Vorläufig weiß ich nicht, von wann das Ding ist, aber es kann eigentlich noch nicht sehr alt sein.]
Cancel Marie's Wedding habe ich erstmalig 1997 von den McCalman's gehört !
[19??:] Exclusive:
Step we gaily on we go, this IS Mairi's wedding
Now it's All for Mairi's birthday! She'll still be singing at 90
Millions of Scots have sung Mairi's Wedding. And now, thanks to the Record, they can meet the bride herself. For one of our best-loved tunes was written for Mary McNiven. And the OAP is still stepping gaily, even though she'll be NINETY tomorrow.
Scots schoolkids have been learning the song for generations, and it's a firm favourite all over the world.
At her cottage on Islay yesterday, Mary said: "I can't believe it became so popular. But when it was first played to me I found it very catchy -- and I still do." The song was originally written in Gaelic -- that's why she was "Mairi" instead of "Mary" -- for the Mod of 1935. Her pal Johnny Bannerman composed it and it was first played to her at the Old Highlanders Institute in Glasgow's Elmbank Street. "I still have a clear recollection of that day," said Mary. "Johnny just said the song was for me."
It was translated into English a year later, by Sir Hugh Roberton.
Although Mary herself was real, the wedding wasn't. For she didn't get hitched to Skye-born sea captain John Campbell until six years later. John died 17 years ago.
Mum of two, Mary, who won a Mod gold medal for singing in 1934, will enjoy a family birthday party in Glasgow this weekend. And it won't be complete without the famous song.
Her daughter Christine, a teacher from Hyndland, Glasgow, said: "Mum still sometimes sings it in Gaelic and people are always asking her to. I suspect she'll sing it to celebrate her birthday."
(The article is accompanied by a photograph of Mary by William Thornton and a copy of her wedding picture.) (Stephen Houston, Daily Record ???)
Séist 'S i mo ghaol-sa Màiri Bhàn
Màiri bhòidheach sgeul mo dhain
Gaol mo chridh'-sa Màiri Bhàn
'S tha mi 'dol 'ga pòsadh
Thuit mi ann an gaol an raoir
Bha mo chridhe shuas air beinn
Màiri Bhàn ri m' thaobh a' seinn
Tha mi 'dol 'ga pòsadh
'S ann aig céilidh aig a' Mhòd
Thachair mise ris an òigh'
'S ise choisinn am Bonn Oir
'S tha mi dol 'ga pòsadh
Bi mo ghaol do Mhàiri Bhàn
Dìleas, dùrachail gu bràth
Seinnidh sinn d'a chéil' ar gràdh
'S tha mi dol 'ga pòsadh