(Phil & June Colclough / Alec Finn)Take the early plane, head west, take to the skies, hope for the best
Leave the field, leave the toil, leave the stony soil
Leave the wild flowers that grow around Fermoyle
Look down, see the sight, a city in a port of light
See a river, it's a mirror made of tears
Made of tears
Out on the waves, dreaming, out on the bay, scheming
Leave the boat, leave the pier, leave the fishing gear
Leave the southern gales that blow from Inisheer
Driving through the morning grey in the latest Chevrolet
You are riding on a highway called desire
Called desire
Time after time doubting, time after time counting
Leave the land, leave the home, leave the ground unsown
Leave the touch of frost on the calendar of stone
Rising up through the shadows, through the steel and glass that shimmers
They say there's a gateway made of gold
Made of gold
Were the chances all worth taking, even though your heart was aching
Leave the place, leave the past, forget about the cost
Take your shoes off your feet, shake away the dust
You can see a new tomorrow, shining like a silver dollar
She is shining like a dime across the bay
Across the bay
(as sung by De Dannan)