© All original copyrights respected / For private use only
Susannes Folksong-Notizen English Notes
Bonnie Banks 0' Loch Lomon'(Trad)By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes, Chorus: O ye'll tak' the high road and I'll tak' the low road, 'Twas there that we parted in yon shady glen, Chorus: 0 ye'll tak' the high road etc. The wee birdies sing and the wild flow'rs spring, Chorus: 0 ye'll tak' the high road etc. |
Susannes Folksong-NotizenThe song refers to two of Bonnie Prince Charlie 's men left behind in Carlisle after his retreat from England. One was to be executed, the other released. The Spirit of the dead soldier travelling by the 'low road' would reach Scotland before his comrade, struggling over mlles of high rugged country. more: Loch Lomond |
Quelle: Scotland
© Sammlung : Susanne Kalweit (Kiel)
Layout : Henry Kochlin (Schwerin)
aktualisiert am 08.09.2000