Susannes Folksong-Notizen
[1973:] Thanks to the rock group, Fairport Convention, this old eighteenth century song has gained a new lease of life since they recorded it on their album, 'Angel Delight'. They do it in a nifty 5/8 rhythm with an added kick given by running the second line straight on to the beginning of the third without a pause. [...] The noble Duke died in 1722, which gives you an idea of the song's age. (Dallas, Wars 119f)
[1975:] The lord of the title was Col. Churchill, created Duke by William of Orange in 1688, after his victory over the rebellious Duke of Monmouth. The earliest printed version we know appeared some 100 years later, though it seems to have originated as a broadside. Hammond collected a version with a similar sprung rhythm (in 5/4; this is in 5/8) from a man in Dorset in June 1906. (Karl Dallas, notes 'The Electric Muse' 13)
[1988:] Lord Marlborough is another valediction, this time put into the mouth of the dying general himself. His patriotic fervour is undimmed; [...]. No text is extant earlier than 19th-century broadsides, which is perhaps why Marlborough is made to spurn riches (whereas he was lavishly rewarded, not least by Blenheim Palace, for his success). The pathos, patriotism, and nobility of the piece must have been attractive to singers and their listeners, for several versions (with sumptuous tunes, incidentally) survived orally until recent times. (Palmer, History 232)
[1998:] In Lincolnshire Posy this is categorized as "Lord Melbourne1 (War Song)," where it is given a fanfare-like, almost arhythmic treatment. The song is better known as Lord Marlborough, to whom it properly refers. John Churchill (1650?-1722), 1st Duke of Marlborough, soldier and statesman, is perhaps best known for his "glorious victories" against the French at Blenheim and Ramillies. He was a meticulous planner, and was also known for his consideration of the welfare of his soldiers, which is perhaps why he became so popular in balladry. He was also an ancestor of Winston Churchill, whose elder brother Charles became the 9th Duke of Marlborough in 1892. (Notes John Roberts & Tony Barrand, Heartoutbursts - Lincolnshire Folksongs collected by Percy Grainger)