[1993:] Janis Joplin died in the Landmark Hotel on 4th October 1970. Since then she has been widely written about and is the subject of several books. These differ widely in their styles. There is the journalistic "Janis Joplin. Her Life and Times" by [Deborah] Landau to [sic!] the most authoritative "Buried Alive" by [Myra] Friedman. David Dalton has written two books. "Piece Of my Heart" and "Janis", both a mixture of essay and interview. They are also both full of photographs and the former has an interesting chronology.
Sadly we also have the gutter press approach with "Going Down With (On) Janis" [by Peggy Caserta, as told to Dan Knapp]. [Thomas] Naguchi's account of her autopsy [in "Coroner to the Stars"] is a very close second [...].
Janis finally died as a result of a drug overdose. There appears little evidence to suggest she was clinically depressed at the time and suicide seems unlikely. An accident is less romantic but possibly nearer the truth. That said Janis was not free of emotional pain. That anguish was expressed in her personal relationships and nowhere is this better demonstrated than in Seth Morgan (author of "Homeboy" published by Chatto & Windus 1990). He was Janis's fiance at the time of her death. [...]
1992 saw the release of Laura Joplin's "Love Janis". This has gone a long way towards balancing that sense of sadness with a love of life which Janis displayed. Through this we can begin to see Janis as a real human being. Whatever you feel about Janis it is her music that has the greatest impact. [...]
September [1970] saw her back in the studio starting sessions for her final album 'Pearl'. On October 3rd after a hard day of recording Janis [...] intended to record the vocal track [of 'Buried alive in the Blues'] the following day. October 4th at around 1.40am alone in a hotel room at the Landmark Hotel, Los Angeles Janis Joplin fatally overdosed on a mixture of heroin and alcohol. She was 27 years old. (Adrian Clarke / Sean McGhee, Rock 'n' Reel 15, p 23ff)
(Janis Joplin & Michael McClure)
O Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?
My friends all have Porsches I must make amends
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends
O Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?
O Lord, won't you buy me a color TV?
Dialing for dollars is trying to find me
I'll wait for delivery each day until 3
O Lord, won't you buy me a color TV?
Oh Lord won't you buy me a night on the town
I'm counting on you Lord, please don't let me down.
Prove that you love me & buy the next round.
Oh Lord won't you buy me a night on the town
(Anon, UWP Archive, http://www.leo.org/)