Aw'm a four-loom weaver as many one knows
Aw've now t' eat and aw've wore out me clothes
Me clogs are both brossen and stockings aw've none
Tha'd hardly give me tuppence for all aw've got on
We held on for six weeks like each day were the last
We tarried an' shifted till now we're quite fast
We lived upon nettles whilst nettles were good
An' Waterloo porridge was best o' us food
Auld Billy o' Bent he kept tellin' me lang
We'd have far better times if we'd no' but held our tongue
Aw've held me tongue till aw can scarce catch me breath
An' aw feel in me heart nettles soon clem to death
Oor Margit declares if hoo'd cloas to put on
Hoo'd go up to Lunnun for to see the great mon
An' if things didn't alter after there hoo had been
Hoo declares hoo would fight with blood up to th' een
Aw'm a four-loom weaver as many one knows
Aw've no teeth and aw've wore out me clothes
Auld Billy's a' reet for he'd never clem
An' aw've woven meself to far end
(as sung by The Spinners)
clem - starve