A poor old man was crossing the road
Crossing the road, crossing the road
A poor old man was crossing the road
When along came a wheelbarrow
Don't let the wheels of your wheelbarrow
Your wheelbarrow, your wheelbarrow
Don't let the wheels of your wheelbarrow
Run over the poor old man
A poor old man was crossing the road
Crossing the road, crossing the road
A poor old man was crossing the road
When along came a fish and chip potato van
Don't let the wheels of
Your fish and chip potato van, wheelbarrow (3x)
Don't let the wheels of
Your fish and chip potato van, wheelbarrow
Run over the poor old man
A poor old man was crossing the road
Crossing the road, crossing the road
A poor old man was crossing the road
When along came a trolley bus wi' nae wipers
Don't let the wheels of
Your trolley bus wi' nae wipers, fish and chip potato van, wheelbarrow (3x)
Don't let the wheels of
Your trolley bus wi' nae wipers
Fish and chip potato van
Run over the poor old man
A poor old man was crossing the road
Crossing the road, crossing the road
A poor old man was crossing the road
When along came a Glasgow Corporation cart that sooks water oot o' holes
Don't let the wheels of
Your Glasgow Corporation cart that sooks water oot o' holes
trolley bus wi' nae wipers, fish and chip potato van, wheelbarrow (3x)
Your Glasgow Corporation cart that sooks water oot o' holes
Trolley bus wi' nae wipers
Fish and chip potato van
Run over the poor old man
(as sung by Iain MacKintosh)