When I was young I was well beloved
By all the young men in this country.
When I was young, love, and in full blossom,
A false young man came a-courting me.
O love it is pleasing, and love is teasing,
And love is a treasure when first it's new.
But when it grows older it waxes colder,
And fades away like the morning dew.
I left my father, I left my mother,
I left my brothers and sisters, too.
I left my home and my kind relations
I left them all for the love of you.
O love it is pleasing, and love is teasing,
And love is a treasure when first it's new.
But when it grows older it waxes colder,
And fades away like the morning dew.
I never thought that my love would leave me,
Until one morning when he came in.
He drew up a chair and sat down beside me,
And then my sorrows they did begin.
O love it is pleasing, and love is teasing,
And love is a treasure when first it's new.
But when it grows older it waxes colder,
And fades away like the morning dew.
O turn you round, love, your wheel of fortune,
Turn you around, love, and smile on me.
For surely there'll be a place of torment
For this young man who deceived me.
O love it is pleasing, and love is teasing,
And love is a treasure when first it's new.
But when it grows older it waxes colder,
And fades away like the morning dew.
So girls beware of your false true lovers,
Never mind what a young man say.
He's like a star on a foggy morning,
You think he's near, and he's far away.
O love it is pleasing, and love is teasing,
And love is a treasure when first it's new.
But when it grows older it waxes colder,
And fades away like the morning dew.