Henry's Songbook

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Whoever Invented Fish Fingers

  • (Leon Rosselson)

    Whoever invented fish fingers ought to be crucified
    Skinned, mashed and boxed into uniform blocks
    Then covered with breadcrumbs from collar to socks
    Then frozen and finally fried
    For who would do that to a fish finning its way through the sea
    Colours in harmony, perfectly poised, riding his flying trapeze

    Progress is all very well
    But not when it chops up our dreams
    And it's hard to feel at ease in a world
    Where nothing is quite what it seems

    Whoever invented BILD-Zeitung ought to be cut down to size
    Pulped, then reduced to a horrible juice
    And flattened and dried until ready for use
    Then covered with newsprint - and lies
    For who would do that to a tree lifting its head to the skies
    Rooted in centuries, telling tall tales and breathing a green lullaby

    Progress is all very well
    But not when it chops down our dreams
    And it's hard to feel at ease in a world
    Where nothing is quite what it seems

    Whoever invented South African policemen ought to be licked into shape
    Toughened and trained till the body's a cane
    Till the arms are a chain, till the nerves feel no pain
    Till obedience rules and encircles the brain
    With walls - so he'll never escape
    For who would do that to a child jumping with joy and desire
    Floating in fantasy, drowning in dreams, brimming with fun and with fire

    Progress is all very well
    But not when it locks up our dreams
    And it's hard to feel at ease in a world
    Where nothing is quite what it seems
    What it seems
    Where nothing is quite what it seems

    BILD-Zeitung - German tabloid in the mould of The Sun or News of the World

    (as sung by Iain MacKintosh)

Susannes Folksong-Notizen

  • nothing / nichts

Quelle: England

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© Sammlung : Susanne Kalweit (Kiel)
Layout : Henry Kochlin  (Schwerin)

aktualisiert am 5.06.2002