Ye mariners all as ye pass by
Come in and drink when you are dry
Come spend my lads your money brisk
And pop your nose in a jug of this
Ye tipplers all as you pass by
Come in and drink when you are dry
Come spend my lads your money brisk
And pop your nose in a jug of this
Ye tipplers all if ye've half a crown
You're welcome all for to sit down
Come in sit down think not amiss
To pop your nose in a jug of this
Oh now I'm old and can scarcely crawl
I've a long grey beard and a head that's bald
Crown my desire fulfil my bliss
A pretty girl and a jug of this
Oh when I'm in my grave and dead
And all my sorrows are past and fled
Transform me then into a fish
And let me swim in a jug of this
Repeat 1
(as sung by Martin Carthy)