Queensberry House
You're Welcome Charlie Stewart
Lady Charlote's Delight : 00000103.mid
The Cameronian's Rant : 00000107.mid
The Ranting Roaring Highlandman: 00000110.mid
Push about the Jorum: 00000111.mid
Quick Step 43d. Regt: 00000113.mid
Major Montgomerie's Quick Step: 00000115.mid
My Lodging is on the Cold Ground
Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms
The Royal Glasgow Volunteers Farewell: 00000117.mid
Steer her up and had her gaan: 00000118.mid
Bab at the Bouster: 00000119.mid
The Dainty Besom Maker: 00000120.mid
Lather awa' wi' your Oak Stick: 00000121.mid
Tom Tullus's Hornpipe: 00000122.mid
Fy let us a' to the Bridal: 00000123.mid
The Parson in his Boots: 00000124.mid
Quick March 42d. Regt: 00000126.mid
Quick March by Mr. Handel: 00000127.mid
The Long Room of Scarbrough: 00000128.mid
Miss Gunning's Delight: 00000131.mid
My Peggy is a Young thing
The Wauking of the Faulds
: 00000133.mid
The Parson in the Suds: 00000134.mid
Up wi't Ailly now: 00000135.mid
2d. Quick Step. 42d. Regt: 00000137.mid
A Lovely Lass to a Friar Came: 00000138.mid
2d. Quick Step of 15th. Regt: 00000139.mid
The Dumb Glutton: 00000142.mid
Norickystie or the Wild Irish Man: 00000143.mid
March des Gen's d' Armes: 00000144.mid
Wilke's Wrigle
The Deil's Awa wi th' Exciseman
: 00000145.mid
Major Jas. Campbell's Quick Step W.F.R: 00000146.mid
Shiling O'Gairey
Chiling O Guiry
Shulen a Gurie
: 00000147.mid
Old Plantation Girls: 00000148.mid
The Merry Dancers: 00000149.mid
O gin ye were dead Gudeman: 00000151.mid
The Braes of Angus: 00000154.mid
Quick March Scots Royals: 00000156.mid
Quick Step 30th. Regt: 00000157.mid
The Lasses of Dunse: 00000158.mid
Willie's Auld Trews
Sean Triubhas Uilleachan
Deil Stick the Minister
This is No My Ain Hoose
This is No My Ain Plaid
The Amorous Goddess: 00000160.mid
La Nouvelle Angloise: 00000162.mid
Grace's Farewell: 00000164.mid
2d. Quick Step 30th. Regt: 00000165.mid
Colr. Archd. Campbells Quick Step: 00000166.mid
Quick Step 2d. Batn. Royals: 00000167.mid
Pease upon a Trencher: 00000168.mid
Quick March 19th. Regt: 00000169.mid
Lord Kelly's Reel: 00000170.mid
Quick Step. Fencibles: 00000171.mid
The Hammermen's March, or Tinkers Occupation
Clout the Cauldron
The Fornicator (Burns)
The Taylor's March: 00000173.mid
The Weavers March or 21st. of August: 00000174.mid
The Free Mason's March
Free and Accepted Mason
The Cordwainer's March
Mr Nairne's Strathspey [Daniel MacLaren]
The Revd. Patrick Macdonald of Kilmore [Alexander Camp]
Lord Balgonie's Favorite [Niel and Nathaniel Gow]
Gloomy Winter [Robert Tannahill]
the theme from The Piano [Michael Nyman]
The Gardener's March
Dainty Davie:
The three Sheep Skins: 00000178.mid
Capt. Campbel of Aird's Quick Step W.F.R: 00000179.mid
Ranger's Frolick: 00000180.mid
The Wrights Rant
The Stool of Repentance
Lord Glencairn's Quick Step. W.F.R: 00000182.mid
Lass if I come near you: 00000183.mid
Quick Step West Fencibles: 00000184.mid
Lesslie' March
Leslie's March
Blue Bonnets over the Border
Come hap me with thy Petticoat
Leith Wynd
Aldridge's Allemande: 00000188.mid
The Whipman Laddie: 00000189.mid
Come ashore Jolly Tar & your Trousers on
The Cuckoo's Nest
Quick Step 32d. Regt: 00000193.mid
A Rock & a wi Pickle Tow: 00000194.mid
Lassie wi the Yellow Coatie: 00000195.mid
Buttered Pease
There's nae luck about the house: 00000198.mid
Sae braley as I was Kiss'd Yestreen : 00000200.mid